As I sit here on Christmas Eve watching some seasonal specials on television, a song comes to mind that we used to sing when I was growing up. We sang, ‘I just feel like something good is about to happen; I just feel like something good is on its way.’ Have you ever had a song get in your head and you just keep going over it time and time again? That is my present condition.
I got to thinking about this song in relation to Christmas and why it came to me tonight. I’m wondering if there was anybody on the night before the birth of the Christ-child singing a song such as this. Was anyone anxious for the gift that was about to be born?
As a parent, I know how excited I was before the birth of my daughter. We couldn’t sleep in anticipation of what was about to take place. Even though we had other children, we still had a nervous excitement. We knew what to expect but at the same time we didn’t know what to expect. But we knew that something good was about to happen.
While Joseph and Mary were attempting to settle in to their temporary home for the delivery, do you think they were excited because something good was about to happen? Or were they fearful because of who this child really was and what could await him in the future? Such uneasiness can cause enough stress to make a body feel physically ill.
Was someone excited about the soon-coming birth of Jesus? The greatest gift the world has ever known was about to be presented in a matter of hours and only his mother and father were present. There is nothing like being pumped up about something and having no one to share it with. That was the soon-to-be parents’ present situation.
All these questions made for a serious bundle of nerves. Knowing that in just a few hours their lives would be changed forever, Joseph and Mary settled in for the night as best they could. Then they waited for the child to make himself known.
During this Christmas season, we should have a similar anticipation. Knowing that, once again, Jesus is soon to make an appearance, our excitement level should be through the roof. The fact that we have waited for so long for His appearance should cause us to be expecting something wonderful.
Yet, we continue with our busy lives like nothing is going to change. We don’t have that sense of expectation about us like we did when we first got saved. Remember when we were so excited about what God was going to do next in our lives and we couldn’t wait to tell somebody about it? It didn’t really matter what it was, we just couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
Well, it’s time to get back to our first love. We need to get back to that place where we maintain a child-like, Christmas Eve mentality when it comes to the things of God. You know, hoping someone gets saved in the next church service, waiting for revival to bust loose in our church, and looking to the fact that this could be the day of the Lords return.
What are you expecting from God? What have you been praying for? Well, it could happen tomorrow. I just feel like something good is about to happen. Make that little tune a part of your daily walk and before you know it, your expectations from God will begin taking shape. He will give you so much to look forward to.
Thank God for giving us His very best over 2000 years ago and thank God for what He gives us every day. Merry Christmas to all. Be blessed.