Sunday, December 24, 2017


As I sit here on Christmas Eve watching some seasonal specials on television, a song comes to mind that we used to sing when I was growing up.  We sang, ‘I just feel like something good is about to happen; I just feel like something good is on its way.’  Have you ever had a song get in your head and you just keep going over it time and time again?  That is my present condition.

I got to thinking about this song in relation to Christmas and why it came to me tonight.  I’m wondering if there was anybody on the night before the birth of the Christ-child singing a song such as this.  Was anyone anxious for the gift that was about to be born?

As a parent, I know how excited I was before the birth of my daughter.  We couldn’t sleep in anticipation of what was about to take place.  Even though we had other children, we still had a nervous excitement.  We knew what to expect but at the same time we didn’t know what to expect.  But we knew that something good was about to happen.

While Joseph and Mary were attempting to settle in to their temporary home for the delivery, do you think they were excited because something good was about to happen?  Or were they fearful because of who this child really was and what could await him in the future?  Such uneasiness can cause enough stress to make a body feel physically ill.

Was someone excited about the soon-coming birth of Jesus?  The greatest gift the world has ever known was about to be presented in a matter of hours and only his mother and father were present.  There is nothing like being pumped up about something and having no one to share it with.  That was the soon-to-be parents’ present situation.

All these questions made for a serious bundle of nerves.  Knowing that in just a few hours their lives would be changed forever, Joseph and Mary settled in for the night as best they could.  Then they waited for the child to make himself known.

During this Christmas season, we should have a similar anticipation.  Knowing that, once again, Jesus is soon to make an appearance, our excitement level should be through the roof.  The fact that we have waited for so long for His appearance should cause us to be expecting something wonderful. 

Yet, we continue with our busy lives like nothing is going to change.  We don’t have that sense of expectation about us like we did when we first got saved.  Remember when we were so excited about what God was going to do next in our lives and we couldn’t wait to tell somebody about it?  It didn’t really matter what it was, we just couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.

Well, it’s time to get back to our first love.  We need to get back to that place where we maintain a child-like, Christmas Eve mentality when it comes to the things of God.  You know, hoping someone gets saved in the next church service, waiting for revival to bust loose in our church, and looking to the fact that this could be the day of the Lords return. 

What are you expecting from God?  What have you been praying for?  Well, it could happen tomorrow.  I just feel like something good is about to happen.  Make that little tune a part of your daily walk and before you know it, your expectations from God will begin taking shape.  He will give you so much to look forward to.

Thank God for giving us His very best over 2000 years ago and thank God for what He gives us every day.  Merry Christmas to all.  Be blessed.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Baby Hidden for You

Apostle Paul said this in 2 Corinthians, chapter 4: But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost; In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  The gospel is not hid from the lost but it is hid to them.  The truth of the Word of God is not hidden so that it can’t be found.  It is hidden so that it can be searched for and ultimately found.

When It came time for Jesus to come into this world in human form, God fully intended for Him to manifest in the simplest form.  Jesus didn’t come as the child of a world-renowned superstar.  He didn’t come as a descendant of earthly royalty.  Yes, He was from royalty but not of an earthly kingdom.  His parents weren’t widely known for their political associations or entertaining talents.  Mary and Joseph were not popular because of their appearance on reality TV.  Jesus came into this world as the child of a lowly young woman and her humble spouse.

God purposely only notified a select few people of His impending birth.  It wasn’t published in the newspapers of broadcasted on television.  Reporters were not camped out near the inn waiting for the money shot of the new, already famous child.  God saw fit to tell a few shepherds in the field.  He knew that their social connections weren’t of any consequence to His plans for this family.

God chose to hide them during a tumultuous time in the land.  Prophecies had been spoken for years about the Messiah who was coming to save everyone.  Scholars and religious leaders knew these prophecies and were concerned about the impact of such a birth on their positions of power.  They were fearful that people would look to this new king as the one to deliver them out of these times of political upheaval.  Folks longed for a king to set them free.

When God set the plan in motion for Jesus to come into the world, His hiding was of utmost importance.  Thus, the choice to tell only a select few.  He knew that the ones He notified of the coming birth would drop what they were doing to go and see the new king.  He knew their hearts and the purity of their souls.  God knew that they would not visit Jesus for any type of political gain or other impure motives.  They would go to Him out of love and reverence for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

So, Jesus was hidden as a baby so that those with the right motives would seek Him and find Him just as He was announced.  One of our problems today is the fact that we sometimes portray Jesus as something that He is not.  Too often, we use Him as a magic genie or a slot machine, hoping that He will give us everything we want.  Then, when He does bless us, we testify how he gave us what we asked for and talk about how much of a giver God is, leaving out the requirement of any responsibility on our part.  So, when someone new to the faith prays, asking God for something and He doesn’t oblige them, they get mad because God wasn’t faithful like everybody said He was.  They don’t know that He wasn’t accurately represented to them, so they walk away in anger.

The gospel is hidden to the lost so that they don’t hear it and act on it prematurely, effectively twisting any future possibilities of their total acceptance of Jesus as He is.  I’m not saying that it would be impossible for them to be saved after that.  What I am saying is that after receiving a twisted presentation of the Christ, the mind can grasp it in so many different ways that they have absolutely no idea just Who he wants to be in their lives.  Thus, the gospel must be hidden until the time designated by God for them to hear His Word as He intends.

I want to encourage you in your future witnessing opportunities.  When it seems that someone doesn’t want to hear what you have to say, don’t feel kicked.  It may not be the right time.  They might not be ready to hear.  That’s not your fault.  If you spend time working on your relationship with the Master, your sensitivity to His leading will increase and you will become more keenly aware of the right opportunities.  There is an appointed time for every person to hear the gospel, at least once.  Do they have to hear it from you?  Of course not.  But at the appropriate time, the right person will be on the scene to reveal to them the truth of the gospel.

In the meantime, continue praying for them and simply show them the love of God.  If you know someone that needs to hear the gospel, pray for God to send the right person at the right time.  Pray that they will hear and gladly receive the gift of salvation through Jesus alone.  While you’re at it, don’t forget to thank Him for saving you too.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Lie Called Fear

It’s crazy how we can learn lessons in the most common everyday occurrences of life.  Take today, for example.  I received my lesson as I drove home after work.

I was traveling on a 2-way road as I left work during the evening rush hour.  Traffic on my side of the road had stopped, waiting for the opportunity for someone to make a left turn.  While we were stopped, I noticed a vehicle to my right waiting to turn left into traffic heading in the direction I had just left.

Traffic in the opposing lane had finally eased up, when I saw the person in the car in front of me motion for the turning vehicle to come on out and make their turn.  I thought to myself, ‘That’s a nice gesture.’ 

Well, my feeling of pleasure didn’t last long.  As soon as the car began to come out into their turn, the vehicle in front of me took off, stopping the other car from entering the roadway.  I couldn’t see it with my eyes, but I could sense that person laughing because they had tricked the other driver.

Due to a feeling of pity and anger, I decided to stop and let them out in front of me, the polite thing.  I honestly felt that I was doing the right thing.  But as I sat waiting for their move, I watched them sit still, just looking at me.  They would not move from their spot.

Immediately, I began receiving my lesson.  The turning driver had gotten burned by the person in front of me and decided to wait until there was no one coming in either direction.  They assumed that I would trick them as well.

How many times in life have we been burned by someone and became fearful or suspicious of others after that experience?  It happens more than we would care to admit.

For instance, a woman gets abused by her husband and after they divorce she is afraid that every man she meets will also be abusive.  So, she resists any type of meaningful relationship.  She bases her fear on what she has experienced in her past.

Here’s another example.  A couple becomes an active part of a local church.  They join the church because they feel loved and accepted.  But after a while, something happens, or something is said to cause them severe emotional pain.  Maybe a fellow church member is overheard talking about them.  Maybe the church leadership has become extremely demanding or verbally abusive.  Either way, they are hurt and decide to leave that church.

From then on, they receive multiple invitations to attend various churches in their community.  They want to but are afraid that they will experience the same pain as before.  So, they simply sit at home, occasionally watching a television ministry, hoping that will satisfy their longing for spiritual fulfillment.

Just like the man who would not turn in front of me for fear of being tricked again, sometimes we resist making our next move in life because of what has happened to us in our past.  The pain goes deep.  We try to hide it and explain it away as us being satisfied the way things are.  And the whole time we are crying on the inside, wishing things were different.

There comes a time when we must make up our mind that even though it might hurt; even though it might not work out, we must make a move.  Fear has no business controlling our lives.  Fear is a lie.  Fear tells you that things will end up just like they did the last time when you got hurt.  Fear tells you that there is no way things can ever be different because of what has happened to you.  Fear keeps too many people chained to the bed of compromise, bed of addiction, and bed of hatred.

When we decide that fear is no longer our master, then we can step up and step out into something more than what we’ve settled for.  But it is a decision.  It doesn’t just happen.  You don’t wake up one day and the fear is gone.  You must decide that fear is no match for your determination.

If your previous spouse abused you, make up your mind that all men aren’t that way.  If you have been hurt in a church, make up your mind that all churches are not that way.  The only way for victory to manifest in your life is to recognize and respond to the fact that fear is a lie.

So, what are you going to do?  Will you continue living in fear?  Will all those what-ifs keep taking up space in your mind? Or are you finally going to stand up and say, ‘Enough!  The past is the past.  It’s a new day and I am going to live my life without fear.’  Fear is a lie.  Don’t believe what it says.

Monday, September 25, 2017

God Bless America!

                The word of the day is rebellion.  It is so prevalent in our society right now that it cannot be avoided.  It seems that a rebellious spirit has overtaken our nation.  We, as a people, have decided that we must have our voices heard, especially if it is in disagreement with whatever is the subject of the day.

                The current debate over standing or kneeling for our national anthem at sporting events has been taken to such a ridiculous level, that it reminds me of the playground debates we had as children.  You remember the ones; my dad can beat up your dad.  My family has more money than your family.  I’m stronger than you.  I’m prettier than you.  Whatever the debate, we just had to make sure our opinion was heard.

                We have taken that frame of mind and twisted it so far that we have thrown away all respectful intentions in our life and embraced this rebellious spirit.  We insist on arguing about and fighting over anything that we disagree with.  People are so divided right now that we can’t see each other as God intended for us to be seen – out of a heart of love.

                Love is no longer evident in most sporting events.  It is difficult to locate in the political realm.  People are speaking words of hate and division simply for the sake of being heard.  We are fighting over respect and in turn are throwing respect out the window.  The fight is no longer about respecting the flag.  It is no longer over the hateful comments of our president.  The fight is over who can yell the loudest and who can give the sharpest jabs.  It’s all about ‘I’m right and you’re wrong.’

                Whether you agree with the professional athletes or not; whether you agree with the president or not, you have a God-given responsibility to respect your brother.  It is your duty to strive for unity among those in your community, county, state, and nation.  And what are we doing but the very opposite.

                Several years ago, I was teaching a class in the prison system and heard a common theme during every session.  These men were continuously talking about others respecting them.  They bragged about how if someone didn’t give them respect, they would take it.  They equated respect with fear.  So, one day I decided to break from the lesson plan and teach on respect.  Nobody in the room knew what the word respect meant.  I taught how respect meant putting someone else before yourself.  It meant listening to someone’s opinion even though you didn’t agree with them.  It meant that if there was only one piece of cake left, you should offer it first to the other person. These men did not have a clue.  Needless to say, after that session, they no longer talked about respect when they were in class.  

                Our society has adopted the same view.  We insist on receiving respect from others, whether we give it to them or not.  If we don’t get it, we think we have to take it.  That attitude is rooted in rebellion.  And we wonder why there is so much strife and dissension in our nation.  We have thrown the rulebook out the window, sewed the mouths of the peacemakers shut, and decided on our own that we are the only ones that are right.  We have taught that any authority figure that does not cater to our wants and needs should be done away with. 

Our children have learned these disrespectful attitudes from us.  Shame on us!  We constantly rail against the president, the boss, and the pastor and then wonder why our children rebel against us.  When we refuse to honor the set authority over us, we are in rebellion and are setting ourselves up for failure in every area of life.  Why are you not advancing on your job like you think you should be?  Because you are constantly complaining and issuing hollow threats against those that you are supposed to be answering to.  Sure, you are honey-sweet compliant to their face but when they walk away you’re cussing them under your breath.  You’re forever threatening to quit and ‘leave ‘em hangin’.

People, it’s time to grow up.  Can we be adults?  Can we show respect for each other?  If we can’t, then we as a people are in serious trouble.  If we can’t, our nation is doomed.

I understand folks have different reasons for not liking certain statues, songs, politicians, or ideals.  Let’s just shut up, get up, and move on.  Life is too short to turn it into a never-ending display of protest and rebellion.  So what if you and I disagree.  We’re still neighbors, going to work every day, shopping at the same grocery stores, and still paying bills.  So, if we can decide to move on past our disagreements and faults, we will see our schools, churches, and nation thrive one more time.  I say, God bless America!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Love of God

Today is a day that we need encouragement from the Lord.  We are most definitely living in trying times.  Not everything we go through is smooth sailing.  Not everything that happens to us from day to day is a big bunch of pleasantries.  Sometimes they cause us to get down in our spirit and begin looking at just how bad things seem to be.  But today, I just came by to bring you a word of encouragement.

Once upon a time, I lived a life, that from the time I woke up until I went to sleep, I was looking over my shoulder to see what was going to happen next.  I worried about everything.  I pretended not to be afraid but my nerves would sometimes get the best of me and I felt like giving up on life.  I made some terrible decisions that almost destroyed my family.

Can I tell you today, that the devil thought he had me in his hip pocket?  But when I thought I couldn’t go any further, a man named Jesus came by my way and pulled me up and out of the miserable pit I was in.  He showed up in a way that I would have never expected.  He showed up when I least expected Him.  He showed up when I wasn’t even looking for Him.  But the main thing is, He did show up.

Jesus came in and turned everything around.  He gave me reason to keep on going.  He gave me a reason to get up in the morning.  He gave me a reason to live.  My fears began fading away.  My worries fell off by the wayside.  I began singing a new song.  I began walking a little lighter.  The Creator of heaven and earth saw fit to come into my room and save me from hell and from myself.  Hallelujah!!!

As some of you today are grieving over a loved one that has passed on or over a relationship that has seen its better days, I came to tell you that it’s time for you to live.  You or a loved one may be suffering from depression or anxiety and can’t see the light of day.  Well, Jesus said that “I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.”  So, that means that your grieving or your depression cannot keep you from the comforting arms of a loving God.

He gave everything for you.  Yes, you!  He loves you with an everlasting love.  And if there is anything I have learned, it is that He will never abandon you or give up on you.  It doesn’t matter how bad you might have messed up.  It doesn’t matter how many times you may have cast doubt on whether He cares or not.  The plain and simple truth is that He is a loving, caring, comforting, longsuffering God.  He knows all about the thoughts and feelings you’ve had while trudging through your struggle and He still loves you. 

I’m not talking about a God that is distant, even to the point of being dead.  I’m talking about a God that is ever-present, even when you don’t feel Him.  He is our awesome God.  He is our Redeemer, our Deliverer, our Strength, our Joy and our Peace.  He is our Healer, our Way-maker, and our Peace-speaker.  He is our Way, our Truth and our Life. He is!!!  He lives and He loves you.

Be encouraged today by who He is and by how much He really does love you.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Just Give Me Jesus!

We read in St. Luke chapter 2 of a man named Simeon who was at the dedication ceremony for the Christ-child.  Simeon was a man of God.  The bible says that the Holy Ghost was on him and revealed to him that he would not leave this world until he had seen the Glory of God in Jesus.  He had waited for years for this promise to come to pass.  Then one day he heard that Jesus had been born and was on His way to the temple for His own dedication.

We read of how, when the baby was brought in by His parents, Simeon held the child up and blessed God because he had now seen the Glory in the person of Jesus.  That was the moment he had lived for.  He waited and longed for the promise of God to be fulfilled and on this day he was not disappointed.  He didn't give up at any time during his wait.  He prayed, served God, and waited.

The modern church could take a lesson from Simeon.  We don't have the steadfastness to hold on and believe God for years on end.  We get so impatient waiting for even a sandwich to be made.  We get impatient waiting in line at the bank.  Simeon waited for years just to see Jesus, the Glory of God.  He did not allow anything or anyone deter him from his chief desire.  But, us?  We get discouraged so easily if things don't happen exactly when and how we want them to. 

It's time for us to get a Simeon spirit about us.  By that, I mean that we need to stand up tall and make up our mind that nothing will hinder us from receiving the promises of God.  Yes, we're saved and on our way to heaven.  But we aren't totally convinced that the promises spoken of in the Word of God are for us.  We can believe for other people to be healed.  We can believe for someone else's relative to be saved.  But we have trouble believing it for ourselves.

We see others prospering in life and wonder why it's not us that are riding down easy street.  We see others getting healed and wonder why we haven't gotten our healing.  That's because of what I said in the preceding paragraph.  We don't fully believe the Word of God for ourselves.  And why, you may ask, do we not fully believe it?  We don't fully believe because we haven't fully sold out to Jesus the Christ, the Glory of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  We haven't fully sold out to the life-giver, the way-maker, the chain-breaker and the peace-speaker.  And until we devote ourselves totally to Him, our faith will continue to fall short of where it needs to be.

The bible tells us that faith can move mountains.  We tend to view the mountains from a pretty good distance away and by the time we get to it, we have convinced ourselves that it's too big for us to overcome.  If we were to learn a lesson from Joshua and the Israelites at Jericho, the closer we got to the mountain the stronger our faith would be and we could just shout that mountain out of our way.  But we will never be able to do that until we give everything we've got to Jesus.  He should be our number one priority in life.  Every day when we wake up, He should be the first name we call out.  His praises should continually be in our mouth, no matter the situation.  If we would develop that lifestyle, no mountain would be safe.  No enemy would be able to stand before us.  We must get back to our first love.  And His name is Jesus!

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Thursday, September 7, 2017


Freedom is a wonderful thing, if it is recognized and responsibility is maintained.  We can be free from something and still be hindered because we haven't acclimated to our unrestrained access to the newness it provides.  For example, riding a bicycle.  That may seem like a childish example but bear with me. 

As a child, it took me a while to learn how to ride a bicycle.  I couldn't go out riding with the other kids or with my brother.  I was stuck at home because I couldn't keep up on foot.  Once I finally learned to ride, I felt free because I could then go when everyone else went.  I could ride where they rode. I was no longer bound by my inability to operate that piece of childhood equipment.

Problem was, though, I thought that I could ride as fast and hard as I could without paying much attention to my surroundings.  On one particular ride, I was flying down the road to my house, wind in my face, with total abandon.  I wasn't looking down at the road to see what I might encounter in the immediate future.  Then, it caught me totally unaware - a pothole.  I was moving so fast that when I hit the pothole, I flew over the handlebars and onto the pavement.  I was scratched up from head to toe.  Blood and sweat inter-mingled for a very unpleasant walk home.  I was in too much pain to get back on the bike just then.

You see, had I been paying attention to my surroundings, I could have easily avoided that pothole and continued to ride on into the evening.  I wasn't ready for my new-found freedom.  We may experience the same thing in our relationship with God.  When He sets us free from, say, an addiction or even a bad attitude, we aren't mature enough to handle that new freedom and end up taking on some weight that we have no business carrying around.  You may have been set free from a drug addiction, but just because you're free doesn't mean that you are ready to go back and immediately begin witnessing to your former supplier or people you used with.  They will drag you right back into what you just came out of because of your naivety concerning the responsibilities of your freedom.

True freedom consists of two parts.  The first is the immediate deliverance from the taste, sound, feeling, and/or thought of the binding behavior.  That's when God moves on you in such a way that you know you've been touched and changed in that particular moment in time. At that point, you have absolutely no desire to go back to what you used to do.  The thought of it literally repulses you.

The second part of freedom consists of taking the stairs.  Your new freedom is a process.  Steps must be taken, in order, so that you are able to remain free.  Embracing your new relationship with God is paramount.  Prayer and an appetite for the Word of God are essential to growth.  Without those, you will fall quickly.  Then, learning where you should and shouldn't go and who you should and shouldn't be around will allow you to remain in your area of freedom until you are mature enough to venture out a little bit further.

Don't rush the process.  Allow yourself time to grow up spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.  We weren't made to be able to withstand but a certain amount of pressure before we succumb to the tremendous weight of the burden.  Don't try to do and get everything at once.  Enjoy the fact that God saw fit to pull you out of bondage and set you up on a rock, saving your life, and preparing you to live a new life in Him.  Don't abuse your freedom.  Maximize it.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What are you Expecting?

Philippians 1:20 says, 'According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.'   People spend most of their lives just existing, just getting by.  But God intends for us to do more than just survive.  He has big plans for us but we won't ever realize them until we come out of our comfort zone and begin to live life as He intended.

In this scripture, Paul gives us insight into his goal in this life.  He states that it is his earnest expectation for his life to bring glory to and magnify Christ.  In everything he did, he fully intended for his actions to point people to Jesus Christ.  That's all he wanted.  He wasn't trying to make a name for himself or brag about his accomplishments.  He simply wanted folks to know the same Jesus he knew rather than the Jesus from stories that have been handed down from person to person and generation to generation.

Paul was a man who knew his capabilities and his faults.  He was able to use both to his advantage in  ministry.  His advanced education enabled him to have deep theological conversations with the religious men of his time.  But his shortcomings allowed him the opportunity to converse with the common folks.  Either way, he meant to glorify and magnify the name of Christ.

Our lives should do the same thing.  What we do every day should cause people to notice something in us that inspires them to seek out Christ.  We have got to pay attention to our actions and the words we use.  People are watching and they are listening.  The world has heard the religious rhetoric for far too long.  They have heard us claim the name of Christ without any power or influence to back it up.  Folks have listened half-heartedly when we tried to witness to them.  But it's time we move beyond trying to just tell people about Jesus but show them Jesus through our lives.  If people can't watch you for a few minutes and recognize the Christ in you, something may be out of line.

I'm not saying we are going to live perfect, without messing up from time to time.  But if people know you and know your relationship with Christ, then your mistakes, and your acknowledgement of them, will only cause them to respect you more.  Humility goes a long way in earning respect from your peers.  Paul was the first to admit his faults and failures, and it served him well. 

We have to stop being religious and be relational in our every day lives.  Stop telling people that they have to be saved or they're going to hell and start showing them how wonderful the saved life really is.  Folks have been hit over the head with the bible for so long that they have become immune to its effect.  I'm not saying to stop witnessing.  I am telling you that your life speaks volumes.  Now, how are you living yours?

I used to be one of those that condemned everyone I saw mowing their yard on Sunday.  I would angrily fuss at somebody for cussing loudly.  I'd get mad when I got stuck in line at the store behind someone buying beer and lottery tickets.  But what did that get me but an upset mind, an angry spirit, and high blood pressure to boot.  That attitude doesn't help anybody.  'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.' Matthew 5:16.
If you will be a light today and allow your life to glorify God, not only will you affect someone's life for good, but you will be encouraged yourself.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

You Got Knocked Down. So What? Get Up!

The world is full of quitters. Some people quit jobs and relationships like changing clothes. At the first sign, or after several signs, of trouble they are ready to pack up and move on. We don’t have staying power anymore. Without staying power, we are unstable and can’t stand up to the slightest struggle.

As a young boy I loved watching college football on Saturday afternoons. I dreamed of one day being a receiver in the NFL. I could catch a ball like nobody’s business. And man, was I fast. So my sights were set high. I knew I was good.

During the summer of transition between junior high and high school, I went to football camp. Just as I thought, I was one of the fastest runners and I could catch anything they threw near me. Even though I was smaller than most of the other players, my confidence was high.

But then the day came to learn defense. With such great offensive skills, what did I need with defensive practice? Up until this point, there had been no defense so all I did was catch and run. But on this day I received my first tackle. What a hit! I really didn’t think it would hurt so much. At that moment, my dream of playing football ended.

I wasn’t prepared for the hits that would inevitably take me down, time and time again. So, I just decided to quit. I couldn’t handle being knocked down.

People quit jobs and relationships because they can’t handle the hard hits. They aren’t prepared to deal with negative consequences to their own mistakes. So what if you messed up at work and got wrote up? You didn’t get fired. So what if you hurt your friend’s feelings and they got mad at you? They didn’t shoot you. Is that a reason to give up?

Every single one of us gets knocked down from time to time. We have the choice of getting up and moving on or we can simply give up. No matter how hard the hits come, getting back up is still an option. If you screwed up at work, do what you can to fix the problem and learn from it so that the next time you are confronted with a similar situation, you’ll know what to do. It doesn’t have to end at the point of takedown.

I could have taken what I learned on the football field that day and grown from it. I could have begun working out and bulking up so that I could withstand the tackles. But instead I chose to be a quitter. You don’t have to quit.

Learn from your mistakes. Grow from them. Just don’t be a quitter. That leads to so much regret in life. Looking back I can see all my misconceptions and failures in fulfilling my dream. Maintain focus on your job, in your relationships, in your dreams and goals. You can make it if you just don’t quit.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Movin' on Up! Rise Above Status-Quo(5 Steps to Promotion)

There are a whole lot of people in this world that have been waiting on a promotion for a long time.  I used to be one of those.  I continually worried myself about moving up the ladder of success.  I’ve worked quite a few jobs, performing a variety of tasks.  But, here I am, 46 years-old and have learned the pathway to advancement and I want to share what I have learned.  My desire is for you to learn from my experiences and from what I have found out by watching others remain stuck in their positions.  If you will take the information I’m about to share with you and apply it to your situation, you may not become top dog at your company but you will be in much better position for your climb to a better life.

If you feel stuck in your present position in the workplace, work these techniques into your approach:

1)       Stop complaining.  This one is first because it is the toughest.  It is so easy to complain about not enough money, or somebody else received the promotion that should have gone to you, or I’m tired of working these hours.  Our complaints are one of the biggest contributors to our lack of advancement.  We find anything and everything to complain about.  We wake up in the morning and dread going to work. ‘I wish I didn’t have to go into that place today.’  ‘I dread what I’m going to have to do or who I’m going to have to deal with.’  That feeling of dread, that doom-and-gloom attitude will bring us down quicker than anything.  We must change our attitude if we want to move up.  Stop complaining about everything.  There is no room for complainers at the top.  When you get up in the morning, make up your mind that it’s going to be a good day.  Make up your mind that whatever you must do on the job will turn out great, simply because you have developed a positive attitude.  Make up your mind that you won’t allow anyone to deter you from this new outlook with their snide remarks and childish behavior.  Whether you realize it or not, your boss is as concerned about your attitude as much as, if not more, than your work.  So, cheer up, think positive, and speak positive.

2)      No matter what you do, do it to the very best of your ability.  When you do just enough to get by, your supervisors are taking notice and look at you as someone who doesn’t care.  And someone who doesn’t care will not be moving into any position of authority or influence.  They will remain right where they have been, unless they are shown the door.  When you put your all into a task or project, you are demonstrating a desire to see your company succeed.  You are proving to the people around you that you care about the quality of your work, which is a direct indication of the quality of life you want to live.  Give it your all and you will be rewarded. 

3)      Show respect to the people around you.  Don’t talk about others who work for the same company and run them into the ground.  Don’t allow the rumor mill to be fueled by your tales of discontent and revenge.  Speak up and defend your co-workers.  Lend a hand if they need help.  Don’t spread anger and spite for your supervisors simply because they made a decision that you didn’t like.  Get over it and move on.  Whether you are dealing with co-workers at ground level or the CEO of the company, display the same amount of respect to both.  Goodness begets goodness, mercy begets mercy, and respect begets respect.

4)      Let it be known, through your actions and your appropriate conversations with management that you are open and willing to learn new things.  That shows them that you have incentive to succeed.  They want to know that you want to build the company rather than just build your checking account.  A company can only grow as much as its employees are willing to grow.  Your willingness to learn demonstrates growth possibility in you.  When asked about work-related ideas or your plans in the future of the company, be honest.  If you are looking to stick around and advance, tell them that.  They want to know who is in it for the long haul.

5)      Finally, become a problem solver.  If there are issues that you may have noticed concerning your job or something around you, don’t be afraid to approach a supervisor and be straight with them; ‘Hey, there is a problem with this machine over here and I may know a way that it can be fixed efficiently without needing to call in a specialist.’  Try that type of approach.  If you can demonstrate a willingness to help the company while saving them money, you have become a problem-solver.  That makes you important to the success of the team.  You become an asset rather than an instigator.

These actions have been invaluable to me.  I have been working for a company for seven years and done everything that has been asked of me.  I have not always been the easiest person to get along with.  I have come close to quitting several times.  But things changed recently because I changed my approach.  I was offered a promotion to a position that I knew nothing about and had no desire to even attempt.  I was angry for the way the ‘opportunity’ was presented to me and I complained like a big baby.  But I came to a decision.  It occurred to me that I wasn’t giving this a chance.  I have been told repeatedly that I had a lot of potential for growth in our company.  So, I made up my mind that I was going to go into this new position with a new attitude.  I decided to attack this job, head-on.  I determined to learn everything I could and grow quickly in knowledge and performance.  I did it.  I put my all into it.  I stopped complaining about the way it was presented to me.  I showed respect for everyone I encountered, both co-workers and customers.  Then, wouldn’t you know, after about two months I was offered another promotion with a substantial raise.  This position was something I was familiar with and the opportunity excited me.  I firmly believe that had my attitude not changed two months earlier, I would not have moved up again. 

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy in this world.  We can talk ourselves out of anything; happiness, peace, job satisfaction, and dreams.  If you want to move up in this life, you must rise above a status-quo mentality.  Stop thinking and acting as if ‘doing just enough to get by’ is good enough.  Living a better life requires an attitude of excellence.  You can do it, if you want to.  Give these steps a try.  You don’t have to do it all at once.  Shucks, start with one step per week and work your way through the other four.  I dare you!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Help! I'm Boxed in and I Can't (won't) Get Out!

At some time in everyone's life we have felt boxed in.  Maybe on a job.  Maybe in a bad relationship. Maybe in ministry.  Or maybe you have come to a place in life where you felt that you were simply stuck with your present circumstances of everyday life.  You know what I mean.  Get up every morning and get ready for work.  Get the kids ready for school.  Eat breakfast.  Go to work.  Come home.  Eat dinner.  Go to bed.  Then get up the next morning and do it all over again.  You're in a rut that you can't climb out of.  Boxed in so that you come to the point where you feel like you're going to explode if something doesn't change in your life.  We've all been there at one time or another.

It's easy to look at our circumstances, at our ruts and boxes and blame them on other people.  We may feel boxed in on our job and 'it's the bosses fault because he won't promote me.'  We may feel boxed in with our current relationship because 'I wouldn't be able to find anyone who would love me like he does', even though abuse has become a ritual.  We may feel boxed in with our ministry because 'That preacher won't let me do what God called me to do', even though you haven't taken any steps to fulfill your calling in your everyday life.  Just because it isn't on a stage does not mean that it's outside your calling.

We place blame on others, when in actuality we are solely responsible for climbing out of our the  boxes.  I know what you are probably thinking - It ain't that easy.  You're right.  It's not easy.  That's why getting out of our boxes and ruts means getting out of our comfort zone.. It means taking steps that seem difficult and stressful.  It means being uncomfortable.  But the effort is so, so, worth it.  Picture this in your mind : A person is sitting in a 3 foot x 3 foot cage.  They continue to sit in that cage, as cramped as it is, even though there is no lock on the door.  They are free to open the door at any time.  But they choose to stay in the cage.  Eventually, his body will begin to conform to the limitations of the cage.  At first, the discomfort will be extremely difficult to manage but as time goes on they will grow accustomed to it.  So, there will come a point where they are satisfied with their condition. 

A conscious decision must be made to climb out of the cage.  On that day, they come out, still disfigured because they remained in the cage for too long.  The pain is excruciating.  But with time they begin to reconfigure themselves to the correct stature.  Then, suddenly, they are standing tall and are able to do what they had been missing out on.  Just like that, we keep ourselves boxed in because we are afraid of the ramifications of our expanding beyond our comfort zones.  We can't blame someone else because our boxes are about us.  We have to choose to get up and out.  We cannot allow ourselves to become stagnant because we are afraid of what could happen on the outside.  Growth does not come without being stretched beyond comfort. 

If you want to climb out of your box, or your rut, you must see yourself outside the box.  I've heard folks say, when you're trying to make a decision, to make 2 lists - one of the advantages and one of disadvantages to your choices.  Well, I agree that you should make those lists.  But, if you plan on ever growing, throw the list of disadvantages in the trash and focus on the advantages.  If you don't, your focus will gravitate toward the disadvantages and before you know it, you won't be able to see yourself doing any better.  And if you can't see it, it won't happen.  Choose to grow.  Choose to climb out, and stay out of the box.  It is totally up to you.  So what if you're afraid.  Choose to conquer your fear. Growing up I was terrified of the thought of flying in an airplane.  But when I was in my 30's, my brother got married in Chicago and asked me to be in the wedding.  I didn't have time to drive so I had to make the choice to fly.  I was scared to death.  But I did it.  There were four legs to the flight, there and back.  Now, I love to fly.  I can't wait to do it again, and I will.  You may have to climb out of your box while afraid, but do it anyway.  When you make the decision to get out of your comfort zone and grow, you will be able to see more clearly into your future.

Get up, get out, get moving, and grow!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Success is in the Eye of the Believer

The word success is so often associated with finances, how much money you make and how many cars you have in your garage.  We look at people who we deem to be successful because of what they own and determine that for us to succeed we must make more money.  Granted, if your idea of success is to have x number of dollars in the bank or to drive a Rolls Royce, more power to you.  But sometimes, those people you look at with a wishful eye, aren't necessarily successful, they've just made a lot of money.  

Real success isn't based on money.  Real success is about the path you have chosen in life and what you are doing to arrive at the place where you can be confident that you have realized your goal. Too often we set unrealistic goals for ourselves and then grow weary when we don't reach them when we think we should.  Once we begin growing weary, we think our goals have become unreachable and we simply give up.

Successful people have these things in common: 1) They have a dream.  They know what they want out of life and where they want to end up.  They know what they want to accomplish. 2) They turn their dream into a vision. Successful people keep their dreams alive by continuously seeing them in their mind.  God told Habakkuk to write the vision and make it plain so that others could see it and run with it.  These people keep their vision ever before them so that they remain focused on where they are going.  3) They set goals along the way to the destination.  Without small accomplishments along the way, the dream seems farther away than it should.  The more you reach the lesser goals, the easier it is to continue pushing toward your dream. 4) They don't allow the opinions of others to sway their determination.  Their mind is made up and not subject to what other people think they should do.

No one can decide whether you are successful but you.  Only you know what is deep down on the inside, the dreams, and desires.  Only you can determine what you want to accomplish in life.  Nobody can do that for you.  People can help you reach your goals but they cannot determine your vision or level of success.  "But how will I know if I'm successful?"  When you have accomplished your goals; when you know that you are doing exactly what you were meant to do; when you are seeing your vision come to pass; then you will know that you have succeeded.   Now, if you don't believe in yourself or your ability to succeed, you won't make it.  It doesn't matter how much everyone else believes in you.  You have to believe in yourself.  You must see yourself as successful already.  You have to know that you have what it takes inside of you.  You can't be wishy-washy throughout the process of fulfilling your vision. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Get With It! Your Dream Won't Wait Forever.

Good evening.  In my last post I talked about dreams.  We all have had dreams in our lives, some fulfilled and some unfulfilled.  A lot that we wanted to accomplish in life has fallen by the wayside for many different reasons.  Some dreams have been given up on because someone said something to get you to think that you were wasting your time.  They may not have intentionally hurt you but what they said cut you deep enough to cause you to dwell on their words until you decided that they were probably right and that you just needed to move on.  You may have given up because you weren't in a comfortable financial position and wouldn't be able to continue in your pursuit of that dream due to a lack of funds.  Maybe you gave up because you tried it once and it didn't work like you wanted it to so that was your sign to quit.  Whatever your reason for giving up on your dream, I'm here to tell you - ENOUGH!  It's time to step back up to the plate and get ready to swing your bat at the opportunity that is about to come your way.  It's time to dream again and the very first thing you need to do is make up your mind that 'Hey, I'm going to do this.'  Until you make that decision you may as well keep your seat because you'll never get anywhere.  Once you have made that decision, it's time for action.  Begin to set a plan in place to get you started on your journey.  Decide exactly what you want to accomplish and write it down where you have continuous access to it.  Focus!  If you don't know what you want to accomplish, you will not succeed in getting it done.  Next, formulate a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be.  You may not know all the details right off but you have to start working on it.  Don't worry if you have to take what, to you, seem like baby steps. It's totally okay to do that.  After all, babies don't just decide one day that they are going to run without going through the process of crawling and learning to walk.  Baby steps!  Just get moving. 

While you are making these plans, people are going to come to mind that have discouraged you in the past, maybe even made fun of what you wanted to do.  Cut them off!  That's right.  Do not listen to them any more.  If they aren't building you up, remove them from your vicinity.  Don't hang out with them.  Don't call them for advice.  Find some folks who will encourage you and motivate you to push through your struggles.  Those people are priceless.  Discuss your dream with them and allow them space to give you feedback.  God will bring people into your life that can help you fulfill your dream.  They can provide inspiration, emotional support, and sometimes even help in ways to propel you financially to the goal.  While you are working through your plans and receiving that encouragement and motivation, your steps in the process will begin to form a pattern that will let you know that you are on the right track.  Those baby steps will turn into bigger steps.  Your dream will begin to appear closer than it ever has.  Keep on pushing.  Don't give up.  Set smaller goals on the way to your dream.  When you reach those short-term goals, celebrate them.  That will boost your confidence even more for the rest of the journey.

As I mentioned in my last post, one of my dreams was to write a book.  Well, it has now been published and is on the market.  The title is "Out of the Shadows; From the Closet of Religion to the Light of the Kingdom."  It is available on Amazon and  At one time I had given up on that dream because I felt that the task was too great and I was too unequipped.  But a man of God gave me the push I needed to get with it.  He advised me throughout the process.  I distanced myself from the nay-sayers and only listened to encouragers.  You can do the same thing.  So, let's hear from you.  What is your dream?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

It's Time to Dream Again!

Everybody has dreams. Throughout childhood we have dreams of what we want to be when we grow up. Some dream of being doctors or firefighters or sports superstars. As we grow older our dreams change. Sometimes they wither up and die altogether. We face battles and trying circumstances which cause us to want to give up on our dreams and simply settle for where we are in life. But still, somewhere in the recesses of our mind, thoughts of those dreams we used to have still pop up from time to time. That signals us that there is still hope for us to fulfill our dreams before it's too late. Sadly, there are so many people who ignore those signals and give up. They stop dreaming. I've come to let you know today that it is time to start dreaming again. It's time for you to make up your mind that no matter what you've been through; no matter how much it looks like the odds are stacked against you; there is hope for you. You don't have to remain dreamless any longer. What is it that you really want to accomplish in life? It has been a dream of mine for a long time to write a book. I had pretty much given up because it just seemed like such a huge undertaking. But within the next few days my first book will be published and on the market. I had given up on my dream and it took one man to encourage me and give me the push I needed to get with it. That's what I want to do for you. I want to encourage you to pick your dream back up and get with it. I believe in you simply because you have taken the time to read this post. That tells me that there is something inside you that desires to do more and to be more. My next post will talk about how to do that. I will relate to you what it takes to carry on with your dream. So, until next time, be blessed.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Just gimme a reason

The call to ministry is scary enough without being told that you shouldn't be trying to do what you know you should do.  I was given plenty of encouragement to step out and accept the call to preach because my father was a pastor.  But when people learned that I was in my second marriage, THEY immediately disqualified me from moving on in ministry.  Thank God that He is kind and gracious enough to forgive us of those stupid mistakes we made when we were kids.  People aren't always that forgiving though and they will use your past to discourage you from stepping out.  I figure that if God called me, He knows better than anyone what I used to be.  So, if He's ok with it, why can't everyone else be? Religion can and will hold us back from being and doing what we are called to. That is the subject of this blog; the things that hold us back from answering the call to ministry. If you feel that you have been called into the ministry and are afraid to take that step, let me know the reasons you feel that way. I want to help you see more for your future than the limits that have been placed on your life.

  Everyone in the church is not always at the same level of reception during the preaching of the Word.   We know that everyone learns in di...